Diego mi ha chiesto di sposarlo il 17 dic 2012, ricordo ancora quel momento come se fosse adesso, ero così emozionata che ho pianto mezz’ora e per settimane ho fantasticato sul fatidico momento.

I mesi dei preparativi sono volati, organizzare un matrimonio con una bambina di pochi mesi non è stata una cosa da poco, ma mi ha costretta ad ottimizzare i tempi al massimo e a focalizzare senza troppi dubbi ciò che desideravo veramente ed il risultato non ci ha deluso! Nè io nè Diego volevamo un matrimonio tradizionale, doveva essere la nostra festa, la nostra serata…

Diego asked me to marry him on 17th December last year, I still remember that moment as if it was yesterday, I was so excited that I cried for half an hour and for weeks I have fantasized about fateful moment. The months have flown too fast, planning a wedding with a baby of a few months is not a small thing, but I was forced to optimize the time and focus to the maximum without much doubt what I really wanted and the result didn’t disappointed us ! Me and Diego wanted not a traditional marriage, It should be our party, our night …

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If you have not already done, subscribe to the newsletter, so you don’t miss the next posts, step by step I will reveal all the details of the creation of clothes, from the design to the tailoring, the choice of the location,  handmade invitations cards, along with some small straight and advice. NEXT POST: THE CHOICE OF MOOD.

…to be continued